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Fig. 4 | Cardiovascular Ultrasound

Fig. 4

From: Coronary flow velocity reserve by echocardiography: feasibility, reproducibility and agreement with PET in overweight and obese patients with stable and revascularized coronary artery disease

Fig. 4

Reproducibility of CVFR (n = 21). a Scatter plot of repeated measurements of CFVR (coronary flow reserve by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography) performed in 1 week (blue closed circles) and more than a week apart (green open circles). Grey lines: full line marks equality (no difference), dashed lines mark absolute differences of 0.5, and dotted lines represent absolute differences of 1 between repeated exams. b Bland-Altman plot: Differences vs averages of repeated CFVR measurements performed in 1 week (blue closed circles) and more than a week apart (green open circles). Limits of agreement for exams performed within a week (red dashed lines) and combined for all exams (green dotted lines) are displayed together with corresponding mean differences (bias) for a week (red full line) and all differences (green dashed and dotted line)

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