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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: Comparison of non-triggered magnetic resonance imaging and echocardiography for the assessment of left atrial volume and morphology


65 patients

Sex, male, n (%)

46 (71)

Age, years (±SD)

60 ± 8

AF type, paroxysmal, n (%)

30 (46)

AF duration, years [IQ]

4 [1–35]

BMI, kg/m2 (±SD)

27 ± 4

BSA, m2 (±SD)

2.1 ± 0.2

NT-proBNP, pmol/l [IQ]

276 [50–3135]

Hypertension, n (%)

23 (35)

Diabetes Mellitus, n (%)

2 (3)

History myocardial infarction, n (%)

4 (6)

History PCI, n (%)

5 (8)

History congestive heart failure, n (%)

10 (15)

History PVI, n (%)

13 (20)

History of stroke, n (%)

5 (8)


 ß-blocker, n (%)

36 (54)

 RAAS inhibition, n (%)

18 (28)

 Digoxine, n (%)

9 (14)

  1. Abbreviations: AF atrial fibrillation, BMI body mass index, BSA body surface area, IQ interquartiles, PCI percutaneous coronary intervention, PVI pulmonary vein isolation, RAAS renine angiotensin aldosterone system