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Table 3 Parameters of left ventricular energetics / blood transport mechanics

From: Evaluation of intraventricular flow by multimodality imaging: a review and meta-analysis





4D flow CMR

Clinical Implications


LV Energetics


[s.11, 21, 24–32]

Kinetic Energy Dissipation

Kinetic energy over LV




Kinetic energy dissipation was increased in post-MI patients with LVEF > 50%, decreased in patients with ischemic LVSD and TOF, increased in patients with DCM and Fontan circulation. Turbulent kinetic energy was increased in DCM patients, the values increase with increasing size of LV. Energy loss was increased with cardiovascular disease/systemic diseases with cardiovascular involvement.

Turbulent kinetic energy

Velocity fluctuation intensity in perpendicular directions




Energy loss

Total energy loss dissipated as kinetic energy and viscous friction




LV blood transport mechanics


[s.11, 33]

Direct volume

Volume of blood entering the LV and leaving in the analyzed beat




Vdirect was the parameter with the most robust evidence. It has shown to be a surrogate marker of LV energetic efficiency. It constitutes the majority of the VEDV, maintains a position closer to LVOT and a smaller angle to LVOT axis and correlates with LVEF significantly.


Delayed ejection volume

Volume not entered the LV in the previous beat but ejects in the analyzed beat




Retained flow

Volume entering the LV but not ejecting in the analyzed beat




Residual flow

Volume not entering and not leaving in the analyzed beat




  1. EPIV: echocardiographic particle image velocimetry, VFM: vector flow mapping, 4D flow CMR: 4-dimensional flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging, LV: left ventricle, LVSD: left ventricle systolic dysfunction, TOF: Tetralogy of Fallot, DCM: dilated cardiomyopathy, MI: myocardial infarction, LVEF: left ventricle ejection fraction, LVEDV: left ventricle end-diastolic volume, LVOT: left ventricle outflow tract, (−) not available, (+) available